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Top web development technologies and frameworks for 2022

In the highly competitive world of website development services, it’s important to stay on top of the latest technologies and frameworks in order to give yourself an edge over your competition. So, what are the most promising technologies and frameworks that will be big in 2022? Let’s take a look at this list of the 10 leading ones right now.

React’s rise in popularity has taken a lot of attention away from its competitors, but Vue.js is still a viable framework if you’re looking to build clean, performant UIs. Its templates are terse, it has great support for interactivity with components, it works well on both client-side and server-side rendering, it comes with a large community of users who can help out if you run into issues, and many existing projects written in React can be migrated over easily.

Developed by Python guru Quentin Delit, Django has been gaining popularity in recent years. It’s used by companies like Instagram, Pinterest, NASA and Vimeo. Additionally, with its batteries included philosophy (meaning it comes with tools to easily set up common site features) — which could appeal to businesses that aren’t web developers — Django is a framework we think you’ll hear more about in future years.

Released in 2013, React.js is a UI framework developed by Facebook and Instagram to facilitate large-scale, data-driven web applications that follow JavaScript code best practices. Released as open source software in May 2014, React’s popularity has grown exponentially since then—the tech titan Stack Overflow recently reported that it is now second only to Angular.js in popularity among developers.

As one of (if not THE) most popular languages to develop web applications in, Ruby on Rails is a no-brainer. With a strong community, great documentation, and an array of powerful features it’s hard to beat Rails in terms of getting up and running with modern web application development. Plus, if you don’t have time to create your own framework Rails already has that covered for you! There are several newer alternatives like Elixir or Phoenix but in terms of sheer numbers Rails is still King.

PHP will always remain an immensely popular server-side language, even though Google is slowly deprecating it in favor of Go. Although Laravel isn’t nearly as popular as other PHP frameworks (such as CodeIgniter or CakePHP), it’s quickly rising in prominence. If you want to become a professional PHP developer, stick with Laravel—it’s one of the most modern and widely used PHP frameworks on the market today.

JavaScript is one of today’s most popular programming languages, and its popularity will continue to soar in coming years. This server-side language was released in 2009, but it has already gained enormous popularity.

The Year of AngularJS (or not) : The AngularJS framework is increasingly becoming a well-known staple amongst some of today’s modern Web applications. In fact, given its powerful features and relatively simplistic approach to data binding, it’s no wonder that developers are already adopting it in droves. But can AngularJS be considered one of our top 10 technologies for next year?

Launched in 2011, Ember.js has since grown to become one of JavaScript’s most popular frameworks. Using Ember gives developers access to several tools that can make front-end development much easier—particularly as it relates to building single-page applications. Users often praise Ember for its stability; Angular 2 has been criticized (admittedly by its own creator) for being unstable at times, while Vue seems to have a bug every few weeks. By comparison, users say Ember is rock solid and rarely breaks down.

Java Spring Boot
If you are looking for a lightweight option, but not sure if you want to go with .NET framework or JavaScript, then Java is an excellent choice. In recent years there has been an increasing popularity in Java as a server-side language due to its robustness and scalability.

Framework used to create websites or web applications with Node.js, also referred to as server-side JavaScript. This framework is useful in creating scalable apps that offer users instant response times due to its single-threaded nature. Though it can be used with any kind of front-end technology, Sails.js’ default view engine is Jade. It can use a variety of popular SQL and NoSQL databases, including MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Redis and more.

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