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Develop your Carbon Footprint for Sustainability Reporting purposes

Companies are increasingly calculating and communicating their carbon footprints as the climate catastrophe rises to the top of people’s minds and governments swing into action. Here’s how Agile Advisors your Carbon Footprint Consultant in Dubai goes about doing that.


This assignment of the inventory is frequently trusted to us as a carbon footprint consultant in UAE at large organizations, but a good understanding of what goes into calculating a carbon footprint, as well as access to some free web tools, can enable smaller enterprises to arrive at a relevant number in-house. Here’s how we measure your company’s carbon footprint, no matter what industry you’re in and what your location is.


The amount of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions produced by a company’s operations is known as its carbon footprint or GHG inventory. Carbon footprints are often calculated as an annual footprint that includes the impact of all of a company’s major operations over the course of a calendar year, but manufacturing companies are increasingly communicating their footprint on a per-product basis as well globally.




Carbon footprinting and emissions accounting are very typical procedures at large organizations, and we as your carbon footprint expert in Dubai, are usually in charge of this. That number, on the other hand, will enable you to identify the most emissions-intensive sections of your organization and potential reductions, as well as purchase enough offsets to cover your carbon footprint and make yourself carbon neutral.



You should do something with the knowledge once you’ve calculated your company’s carbon impact, the ultimate prize would be lowering your absolute total footprint, which means lowering total emissions even as your company expands and becomes carbon neutral. The next best thing we do as carbon footprint consultants in the UAE is to look for strategies to minimize emissions relative to output, such as lowering emissions per product, per employee, or per unit of revenue, or any other intensity parameter.




We as carbon footprint consultants in the UAE gather quantity information after you’ve measured all of the important areas where your company utilizes energy, you’ll need to calculate how much energy was utilized. So gather any utility bills, tally up the miles your crew and products have traveled, and calculate the total amounts and weights of things created, split down by essential component elements or categories.


Make a footprint calculation, it’s now time to transform all of the data you’ve gathered into carbon emissions, although your carbon footprint consultant in Dubai will most likely have access to refined files with very specific data that could lead to a more exact assessment, you can calculate rough values in-house using emission factors.


Look for areas where you can cut costs, Agile Advisors is a carbon footprint consultant in UAE, once we have your footprint, we look at the data to see if there are any disproportionate emissions sources and where you might be able to lower your footprint. When it comes to businesses that deal with physical goods, the method you ship them can have an important impact on your carbon footprint. Summary energy consumption is likely to be a priority for a company with multiple locations. We hope you would estimate and reduce emissions in near future.


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